Be Great
I have been spending some additional times in my volunteer gigs lately, as I truly believe that one way to get out of our own way is to put others first. "Be Great" is the inspirational line being used by the Boys and Girls Club right now and it is something for all of us to keep in mind in our daily lives. Below you will witness our Website Makeover, the Flash intro, focusing on the Youth of the Year (congratulations TJ!), that we donated to the B & G Club of Tucson. We really like the way it came out, and hope that you do, too.
I would be remiss if I didn't also mention my recent experiences as a brand-new CASA. I spent the morning recently observing some very courageous people and it was pretty amazing. I went through about a half a box of kleenex, but was totally inspired by the parents I saw overcoming some pretty dire circumstances and managing to for the most part, to rise above, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and still have hope that they will and are able to fulfill their dreams and make them finally come true.
This month, I rose above in my own little way and it felt pretty good. I am now officially certified as a Master Project Manager (MPM) and Project Manager E-Business (PME). I am truly excited about this and it only took me 15 years to complete this achievementt. Haha... sad, but true.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate all of our customers who are currently taking advantage of the potential of Twitter, please feel free to contact us anytime you are ready to move to the next level and make it work even better for your e-business.
I am suffering from my usual case of "idea-rhea", so please stayed tuned for some very exciting things to come. Just a warning...
If you have any questions and topics that you would like for me to address, please feel free to email us at .
Ana Lewis, CEO, MPM, PME
please follow us:Twitter
Witness a Website Makeover
Boys and Girls Club of Tucson: the positive place for kids
After reading Mission Statement of the Boys and Girls Club, you can understand why we have chosen them to be one of our sponsored non-profits for the past year.
The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is to provide building-centered programs, professional staff, and a safe environment to assist youth in developing self-esteem, values, and skills.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is facility-based, employs youth development professionals supplemented by part-time staff and volunteers, and offers daily access to a broad range of programs in five core program areas:
- Character & Leadership Development
- Education & Career Development
- Health & Life Skills
- The Arts
- Sports, Fitness, & Recreation
We do not handle all of their e-business efforts, however we do help with a few items that we are especially proud of and mostly thankful to be associated with this amazing organization.
Here are the items that we help in:
1. Website - any Flash and video additions
2. Email Marketing - to the general list and the Board
3. Creation of an Email Opt-in sign up capability
4. I became a member of the Associate Board, Marketing Committee, so I can make suggestions on the fly.
We have many more things in the works, so please visit the Boys and Girls Club of Tucson and witness the results of this Website Makeover
The Best Things on the Internet Are Free!
1. Snagfilms - Watch free documentaries from your web browser
2. LinkedIn - yes it's less flashy than Twitter, but it has it's actually one of the best online networking tools.
3.YouTube - why has it taken me so long to list this one? I use it almost daily to do research. It's a gem.
4. Tweetdeck - your personal browser for connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more.
5. Super Geek Alert! Lynx Viewer - This service allows web authors to see what their pages will look like (sort of) when viewed with Lynx, a text-mode web browser (like a mobile phone).
Time to Twitter
Starting from scratch or even if you have already created your Twitter account,
we can run with it and make it even more amazing for you -- taking it to the next level.
Here's what we offer:
Set up and work Twitter, includes:
a. creation (create a personal design) of twitter account, anticipated 1000 followers in 3-4 weeks, with 5-20 'tweets' a week.
b. creation of squidoo lens.
c. basic SEO on some real competitive keywords.
d.est 30 hours over 3-4 weeks @ $25 an hour (this is an introductory rate and is subject to change) = $750
Contact Joli today to take advantage of this Introductory Offer!
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