I just stopped. That was it. I had a mouthful of clam chowder in my mouth and I had to spit it out. I had no desire to chew it, smell it, let alone swallow it. So I didn't. From that point on - no more flesh. It was that easy and I have never turned back. No thinking about it - I just did it. I became a vegetarian.
When you just drop flesh cold-tofurkey like that, there are things that you learn after the fact. I am here to share some of those things with you.:
1. Restaurants are really nice about accommodating their menus for vegetarians. I used to miss fish tacos at one of our old favorites, and I expressed that to the server. He said, no problem, they would substitute zucchini for the fish and now I get my tacos - only way more delicious and less stinky!
2. If you need a quick, prepared meal, there's some great choices at your corner supermarket. I am so hooked on Amy's Samosas (potato and peas) that I should start a 12-step program for them. You don't have to go to a specialty grocer to get some great, quick, vegetarian fare.
3. I can do most of my shopping at the farmer's market. I gather my recyclable bag, and walk around the market until I have so much stuff my shoulder is burning. It's fun! (Really) And so very healthy to eat seasonally and locally.
4. I can grow so many of our favorite veggies and herbs myself. I have become all about fresh herbs - the legal kind, of course. Artichokes, tomatoes, lettuce, basil, rosemary, chives and anything I can keep away from our Newfie, Cousteau, who also love veggies. (Chive thief!)
5. That I would never, ever crave flesh. Ever...
6. That I would not be bothered with other people's choices around me. I don't ever try to impose my choices on my family - and they don't try to impose theirs on me. My husband and kids are all omnivores. However, they do know that if this herbivore cooks, that we are having a vegetarian meal. They have yet to complain.
7. That I would have more energy than ever. I get up every morning around 5am, do yoga and don't quit until 5pm. It's awesome to have so much energy.
8. Apparently my life insurance premiums will be cheaper. I have read this in a number of places, but have yet to confirm it. Sounds like something I need to address.
9. "Fake Meat" as my kids call it, tastes great in chili or spaghetti red sauce. Fake cheese is still nasty to me. I have tried them all and will keep on trying until this desire is fulfilled. If you have found any fake cheese winners, please pass them on.
10. B-12 and iron need to be supplemented. I have read several studies on this (some agree and some disagree) and know what works best for me. B-12 supplements I take daily, iron - only during a heavy menstrual cycle.
11.A dairy cow's life is nearly as miserable as a beef cows. So very sad news, but I rarely now touch dairy as a result.
12. I am not only living, I am thriving on a plant-based diet. This has made me think, this is how I was always meant to be.
Please check out this very valuable resource book titled, "Yoga and Vegetarianism"
, by Sharon Gannon.