Tough times call for bold measures. Sometimes, though, the most innovative solutions are the easiest ones to implement. People looking to save money during this recessionary period need look no further than what they place on their plate. By cutting meat just one day a week, we can put more green in our pockets!
Here at the Meatless Monday office we did an informal survey of how much our families save a month by going meatless on Monday. By substituting beans, legumes, eggs, nuts and seeds for meat, the numbers add up. $80-100 a month, according to our little survey.
Medical nutritionist Lory Hayon of The Fertility Center of Las Vegas completed a cost analysis of a steak dinner for four versus vegetarian chili stuffed potatoes, which ran only $6.29. He concluded “‘if the average family of four spent $20 per meat-containing meal, seven days per week, they could reduce their grocery bill on average by $30 per week, or $1500 per year, by making three meals per week meatless.”
These numbers speak for themselves...
Read the entire article here.: